Related Sites

Links to Sites with Stargazer Themes

If you want to learn more about the stars, constellations and other space-related stuff have a look at these:

General all-round sites:

Shows you how to find your way around the sky at night

Comprehensive site with a couple of nice tutorials for beginners

Thank you, Ada, for suggesting this site that shows the importance of Data Science in interstellar exploration

Lots of general information on constellations

This site is great for learning about the mythology of stars

Astronomical Picture of the Day

Really interesting photos. A new one every day!

International Dark-Sky Association

For people who want to do something about light pollution

Space info and NASA

Both these sites have lots of general info on space

Night Eyes

Explains how you see in the dark.


This is an amazing free download that allows you to have your own stellarium at home. Use it to show you what stars you can see in the sky plus much, much more.


Don’t forget there are several free apps for your mobile that allow you to hold your phone up to the sky and the stars will be identified for you.

If you would like to help map the stars:

Astronmers are asking for help in exploring 250,000 galaxies as part of a project to map the universe. Humans are better at pattern recognition than computers so the project leaders are asking for volunteers to look deep into images and find hidden details. If you would like to be part of the Galaxy Zoo project visit the following website for details:

Especially for children:

These three sites are brilliant for younger people. There’s also fun things to make and do:

NASA StarChild

Kids Astronomy

Children’s Charity:

Sparks is a really worthwhile charity to support. It is a charity that funds medical research into all conditions and disabilities affecting children with the aim of ensuring that all babies are born healthy and stay healthy. Find out more from their website: